Monday, October 16, 2006
Soror Sheryl Lee Ralph and my sister, Roz
Sheryl Lee Ralph performed her one-woman show, Sometimes I Cry, the Tony-nominated actress appears onstage in the dark and once the lights are turned on she enlightens us all with an array of three characters affected by HIV/AIDS-from a Jamaican transsexual whose new life is being cut short, to a high-powered executive whose nauseating medications keep her from a life of normalcy and a widow over 60 who has a fling with her deceased husband's old friend.
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Yes, it's been awhile since I updated my blog.. I have been so busy or rather haven't taken the time to do anything to my blog.. I still haven't gotten the hang or post the pictures and all.. I have been trying to put a pic on my profile but still don't understand how to do that.. I was really busy this summer and had a great time on my vacations.. going to New York in June and then going to Philadelphia in July for the Delta Convention... it was great. My sister and I had a great time although we were in meetings most of the time and didn't get to do much sightseeing or shopping. Here are some pics of the people we saw and met.